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Personal Safety

X26 TASER® Drops Attacker – Future Weapons

Personal Protection – See what happens to a person hit with a TASER®. This will stop an attacker in their tracks and allow to to get to safety and call the police. In this Future Weapons demonstration a would-be attacker is instantly incapacitated by an X26c TASER®. The TASER® X26c series offers the highest take-down power

X26 TASER® Drops Attacker – Future Weapons Read More »

Personal Safety – It’s better to be prepared!

For Your Own Personal Safety, Be Prepared. Always carry Pepper Spray and a Stun Gun if possible for personal safety. In the case someone is chasing you, kick them in the chest or crotch (depends on their gender) and if they are close enough, spray with Pepper Spray. In a close confrontation, use a Stun Gun on

Personal Safety – It’s better to be prepared! Read More »

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