Why Choose Pepper Spray?
When you are looking for personal safety products, choosing which product is the best for you can sometimes be tricky. There are so many different things on the market and they all have different reasons why they are good options for particular situations. If you are trying to figure out which option will be the best fit for you, the following may help.

Ranged vs Non-Ranged
A very important thing that you need to consider when choosing your personal safety product is whether or not you would like to be able to defend yourself from an assailant at a distance. Close contact with an assailant can be very scary and there is less room for error when trying to defend yourself. Ranged personal defence devices such as pepper spray, mean that you can begin defending yourself while your assailant is still a distance away. If you miss the first time, you will still have a chance to deploy another shot before the assailant reaches you. Pepper spray canisters are available in a range different designs and styles to suit your needs.
Pepper spray is a very effective self-defence method and is a non-lethal option. With pepper spray, you are able to protect yourself without fearing that you may cause permanent injury of death to another person. This is a part of the reason why so many people are using pepper spray to defend themselves. Pepper spray will temporarily disable and assailant and allow you to get away safely.

Cost Effective
Another great thing about using pepper spray is that it is a cheaper method of self-defence. This makes it a fantastic choice for those who are looking for personal security products on a budget. Pepper spray makes personal safety accessible to everyone.
Apart from all of these other features, pepper spray is very easy to use. In a self-defence situation where you may be feeling panic, this is very important. You need to be able to use your personal safety devices even in the grip of an adrenaline rush, pepper spray will allow you to do this.
So if you are looking for something that is inexpensive, effective, safe and easy to use, consider using pepper spray as your chosen personal defense choice.
Shop “NOW” for your own Personal Protection Pepper Spray from MadDog Safety Technologies.
MadDog Safety Technologies
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